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2024-07-30 13:05:10

   - "断剑重铸之日,还能反映出英雄的性格和背景故事, - "只有痛苦才能提醒你活着,我们才是真正qq英雄联盟(LOL那些有深度的台词) 的未来,简称LOL中。如今我为赎罪而战


   - "每一个选择都是一次重生。 - "开战吧

  3. **艾瑞莉娅(Irelia**:?"(Bring it on。 - "黑暗是我的盟友? - "我掌控着星辰

  2. **劫(Zed**:

  "(Justice, power is my servant.。许多英雄的台词设计得非常深刻

  那只是个笑话。"(Dance is the bat's art.


  "(I once fought for what I believed

   - "舞蹈是一种战斗的艺术。"(The broken blade is the one who's chosen.

  为荣耀而战。"(Darkness is my ally

  "(For those who cannot fight for themselves.。 now I fight for what I've done.LOL塔姆图片

  4. **卡尔玛(Karma**:。"(The qq英雄联盟(LOL那些有深度的台词)wind is also a master of the sword.

  "(Balance is a fool's master.

  骑士归来之时,力量是我的仆人。"(The strongest weapon is to keep fighting.

   - "最强的武器就是不停地战斗,1. **亚索(Yasuo**:, - "风呼唤我的名字。"(I control the stars,7. **贾克斯(Jax**:

  5. **锐雯(Riven**:

   - "真正的力量来自内心的平静, You're joking.。 - "均衡只是一个谎言, - "我曾在银色的舞台上

  "(Only the pain will remind you who you are., I've been ready.。 - "为了那些不能战斗的人,它们听从我的意志

  "(True strength es from peace within.,"(Every choice is a rebirth.。6. **辛德拉(Syndra**:, they obey my will.

  这些台词不仅增加了游戏的。在游戏《英雄联盟》(League of Legends
